Linear progress dialog whith each number

Good morning all,
I have a “wizard” button to automatically generate teams.
Example: I enter a desired team number - 6 for example - and the application creates me equipe1 equipe2 equipe 3 equipe 4 equipe 5 equipe 6

Everything is displayed in a textbox. The code presented works

I would like to add for comfort a “NOTIFIER> LINEAR PROGRESS” which is updated each time a team is created (with the function for each number).
Would anyone have a few minutes to explain to me how to do it, my last tests are inconclusive, my progress bar does not update …
thank you in advance

you have to try that your own if fail then show what you have tried, so we can understand better you question,

precisely, I do not see how to handle this component …

The principle is as follows: I have a global export list: when I click on the generate button, it will create a QRcode containing the name of the team and saved in a folder of the device.

When I click on the generate button for 100 teams for example, the button remains frozen for a few seconds (the time I think it generates Qr code …).
I would like to take advantage of this time to display the progress bar 1/100, 2/100, 3/100 etc … and stop once the 100 teams generated.
In this example it is displayed remaining at 0 after all the QRcode has been generated …

try these, when starting any progress work or loading, use this


when any progress updated, use this


when work completed,


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on your this project liner progress in not suitable, you can show spinning progress because liner works on something like downloading or uploading to show loading bar, in this there is nothing to update liner progress

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