List View Image And Text has a bug

please tell me what happen?

Please tell me what you did?

I didn’t do any thing.When I only put it into the board.

Did you restart the companion afterwards when you added the listview?

no,I dont.should I?
In addition, the software will flash back after packaging

You could try. Do you have the latest companion?

I have installed it from GooglePlay

Did you fill your listview with items? I get the same error with an empty listview.

no,it is empty

That’s why you get the error :grin:

but when I open the app with a list view,it quickly stop.i can’t add sth. on it

What do you mean?

I get the same error. The imported listview extensions are also in error

the error occurs only by adding the component view view

same error here a Run-time error can anybody provide a guide to implement it…

see screen shot of blocks & Find Error:

Apart from this error, we need more option like When Touch Down Button Click change the background color of this component and An Extra Button at the end of that Raw like Thunkable Colin TreeView.

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There was a problem in the component.
I have fixed it and it will work for you all after next release.
Next release will be maybe coming weekend.