List View Image and Text still crash on android 4.4.2 after update

Describe your issue

List View Image and Text still crash on android 4.4.2 after update

Steps to reproduce the issue

Open the app, which initialize an add item event of list view image and text component, then the app crash

Expected Behaviour

show an item with image, title and subtitle in list view image and text component

Actual Behaviour

App crash with “Unfortunately, (appname) has stopped” shown.

Show your Blocks




Android version

Android 4.4.2


Sorry but the log does not show the problem why the app crash.

sorry about that, I do not know much about error log.
Maybe this is the error?


Please show more logs.
Can you send a full log as text file?

ok. The log file:
log.txt (3.2 KB)

Did developers used to test on server like ??