Live video chat

Please give me a sample AIA please

How about trying something and when you get stuck, then you are welcome ask again…


No no you’re missing the point. Paste code pl0x.

Edit: I fudged it. It’s supposed to be “palace”.

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I want to know how to put web api key in kodular

@Vishwas Please tell how to do it on Kodular
Share Block Images/ Sample .aia
Thank You…

I will share you personally aia

Any contacts details send me please

I can’t find the JS file on webRTC please help me

Private message me on Community itself

OK can you help me

I am asking @Vishwas to help
I don’t know how to do it…

Can someone help me to do it, because I can’t understand English well

Sorry, I didn’t have time last week to make a guide.
I’ll see if I can make one soon.


thanks :sonrisa: :sonrisa: :sonrisa:

any one have example aia? thanks

no :frowning: please create a tutorial

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Any one make a example video chat live AIA

you can use this extension, but it is paid

How to Put code in a web viewer?