Load items as user Scrolls

How it helps us if it same ?

Like this guide right

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Yeah, I was searching for this.

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Share this apk blocks please @themaayur

Yes, sure but currently I am not near my laptop, I will share asap.

Btw, how is it.

To turn a regular post into a wiki post you usually need moderator/admin privileges. However normal users may also make their post Wiki, provided their trust level is high enough (by default TL3)

To create a wiki post just select the wrench icon at the bottom of your post


He is not a TL3 member so he can’t do that.


Thanks, it will help me!!, instead of loading everything at once, i can load as users scrol


RaspyMagentaQuokka (1).aia (372.3 KB)

Or the Youtube Listview Refer :point_down:


Awesome @themaayur. It’s awesome. Less effort and more convenient

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Thanks :blush:

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Nice guide. You are asking for what is recycleview. This extention was actually work like recycleview.right @themaayur?

Thanks :blush: and yes that’s what is called a recycler view.

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Welcome to the community @froniu84a

That’s a guide not an extension…

i think you’re talking about dynamic components extension :thinking: and that is not related with this guide.You can ask here:

Can anyone can do with goigle spreadsheet plz plz?

This extension has a bug that terminates the application, the event occurs:
When the user touches more than one point on the screen (multi touch), I tried to solve but so far nothing …

@zainulhassan I tried to create dynamic List and implement your scroll guide, In my spreadsheet there is only 20 items but as your method you add numbers + 1 so it create error for me when i reached the bottom it gives me this error.


I can’t give you the full error log because it contains some confidential links.

You need to perform some checks before adding one. You should check if the total number of items is less than numbers + 1 then you should add one else you should not.

@zainulhassan How to implement circular process bar while loading more data?please help me

Please tell me how to implement circular progress while load more data @zainulhassan given blocks…Help me please.

Hello @zainulhassan instead of using dynamic Component I would kindly like to know how to use this method with your new aix using one of these two blocks and call an event when the user has scrolled to bottom
:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

I have tried the dx & dy I only get error with 0 event on every scroll it doesn’t detect a bottom scroll.

However your aix doesn’t work with VerticleScroll Arrangement Component it only works with VerticleArrangement Component which actually can not work with any Vs Handler aix Kindly help me to solve this problem and detect user scroll to bottom

Thanks as I am waiting for your advance response to solve this problem