LocationSensor Extension. Accuracy. Geocoder. GeomagneticField

this can be done with a service… for example my locationservice extension is able to do it…
however it currently runs only in MIT App Inventor… in Kodular we have to wait, until AndroidX libraries are supported


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Thank you very much for your input and direction. I’ll try it, good luck.

Sorry, can I try it first before buying the extension?

Then try his apk…

why can’t this extension be used on codular?

I have bought this extension but I am still confused about using it in mit app inv.
can anyone help me to make a simple arrangement?

what you mean by bought this extension is free

I mean, I have purchased this extension for $ 12

What is your query @Ayun ?? You can get users geolocation easily by using default Kodular blocks. Plenty of suggestions are available free of cost in our community

Why can’t Location Service Extension be used on Kodular?

Refer here

does your extension work for Kodular today?


As the UsesServices annotation meanwhile has been added into Kodular, this extension now also works in Kodular.


Hi, I would like to understand how works the ProximityAlert block and how many of them I can use in the same screen. I have 8 zones (actually circle zones with a radius between 3 to 5 meters) and every time the Location Sensor detects a location change I test if I am inside one of them so I would know if the ProximityAlert block may help to somplify their management.

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A post was split to a new topic: Question concerning TaifunLocationService extension