Login by device id and username

Hello coders
I want to ask a question
Is DEVICE_UTILLITIES.ID unique for the user device ?

Because i want to make sign in only if the device id that i add to baserow equal(=) the device id that someone have same ID
Or we should use sign in by ID + USERNAME??


It won’t work in android 10+

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Ok ,is there any solution or extension ?
Thats right
My phone android 11 device utillities work without problems
But another phone android 4.4 doesnt work
Please any solution??
I need an alternative extension to Device Id
And must be unique

You can try

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If i use this extesnion
is it necessary to use login by username ?
Or i can use login only with the extension

Get uuid during screen initialise

When user tries for regiistration , check whether the ID is exist or not in the db

If yes, check password else enter the details into database.


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Ok i will try



there device id of the user mobile must come… (i hope you will get it during screen init in a variable)

you should not call device id in clock, get it during screen init into a global variable

Instead of airtablr, preferably i will choose firebase(1St option) and gsheet(as 3nd option) as a database for this…

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But why baserow show all UUID same at all

I cant find the error

See the first item, you have used the component, so it takes the name of the package

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