Login for my app

How can I ensure that after the users of my app log in, their account remains open without having to log in again? Thank you for your advices.

Use tiny db to store that a user is logged in and the username so when the app starts check whether there is any user logged in or no, If yes then skip the log in screen and if no then open log in screen

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firebase authentication remains logged even after closing the app. for your purpose there is the “has logged in” block, which combined with an “if” block, can be used to know if a user is logged in, and react by performing an action.

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blocks (2)


@asimjib93 has explained it with blocks. Follow this procedure. Hit the solution button if this was helpful!

How do I do it with tinydb?

A search on the community will provide you the answer.


tinydb is not necessary. just use this.


Thanks, you have reason. I get it.

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