Login with google spreadsheet problem

No error on my apk android10

Login.apk (5.5 MB)


i try to use your APK, and try to login using list that you share… it is work

so i try to make my own database account for login, like this

put the some script just like your suggestion

change the link in the block related to my url sheet and script

i try to login with account that i made, but why not working :frowning:

can you share your aia?

or share me your script url and sheet

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my aia
LoginGSR_UCUP.aia (165.6 KB)

googlesheet script

sheet script
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZQh3k3yM3Artej9aC9TlvjUchax0kBuh2thd953MMhk/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet=Sheet1&tq=SELECT C WHERE A=’

Do not use number here, instead try with any name

its work :smiley:

but when i am try to login using the account that not on the list, is dierected into sign up menu, so i fill the data but not stored into the spreadsheet :frowning:

Did you deploy the script code there access to anyone? It seems you have not enabled it seems. Please check up it… If you do it then everything will be ok… all working fine

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it is already set up to anyone, but the sign up data still not stored into speadsheet

yes, me to noted that… yesterday it worked fine… wait let me check the code again and will revert back to you later… It should be working,hmmmm

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I checked my app(aia), and is working pakka… No issue. And you too tried it seems, aftr save button click, it is saving the datas. So no issue from my side… only issue from your side only. Unable to find it… I am sure problem with your deploy only… 1000%. Make usre it is looking like this


Check that your script is set to your google account (me) and is accessible by “Anyone” (new script editor) / “Anyone, even anonymous” (legacy script editor), and publish/deploy the script to a new version, checking that the script url is the same as the one in your app.

Also check that the spreadsheet is owned by your google account.

This is wrong:


It needs to be just Anyone.


Yes, this is the mistake… Just change it to anyone, deploy it again with new version number, and add it into the project(without changing anyother thing)… Now it will work just like mine… Thank you @TimAi2 ,

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Thank you very much senior its work…
Many thank for being patience to teaching me :handshake:

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Pardon me S!r, i have another question…
i try to import login screen this login into my digital book project i change the next screen (Scren1) in block

but it just passed by into screen1, login menu is not appear, what should i do

here is my aia
BUKU_MASAK.aia (164.4 KB)

What prob???

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how could that happen, any block you have changed ?
could you give your aia version, please ?

I didn’t made any changes because everything is correct, i just uploaded your aia and tested in companion… that’s all

but when iam try to convert into APK and installed it into my phone, login menu doesn’t appear, why ?

Is this related to … ?

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