Login with google spreadsheet problem

Hello There,

I wanted to make a login and register screen which using data stored in the google spreasheet.I have a problem. when i am input in the data (in resgistration screen)
is succes, but when I am login using the data (username and password) which is has been stored from spreadsheet is not work, it should be directed into next screen.
Please help me!

Here’s i am also attached aia and speasheet script

Login.aia (162.3 KB)
LOGIN.txt (1.2 KB)

Try this logic.

If user not signed in(check with tingDB) redirect to sign up page.

On successful login, store sign tinyDB with some value and store the detail in google sheet with username as email id or phone number

Next time user while try to login with username (may be of email id or password) call that data alone from gsheet using gviz method…

If value is matching with password login and open next screen… if not matching or no value found alert user with text

V Simple

(Use script to store data to gsheet but to retrieve data from gsheet, no need to script for the exact cell value alone)

sorry i dont get it, actualy i am a beginer, would you fix my aia file, or can you give me the example block

I always follow this script and will succeed always…

refer here too

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Try this more simple without script
Login.aia (158.0 KB)

He wants to save the username password and email too in gsheet also it seems @sugarlesscreator so I suggested him to refer such scripts.

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I know. He was successfully to input data

But his script is return error for read data (func == “Baca”) He need to modify his script.

I just suggested to login without script.


LoginGSR.aia (165.5 KB)
gsheet login scripts.txt (358 Bytes)

@Yusup_Rismunawar , try this scripts… edited…

  1. add the scripts in ghseet scripts editor- deploy it-copy the scripts code-paste it in two places as mentioned in the aia
  2. On login click, if user input name matches , it will check password is correct or wrong. If correct Dashboard screen will open. If not it will alert as Password is Wrong
  3. If user name not found, it will ask user to create account.
  4. On sign up button click, if user input mail found already it wil pop up again with alert, if not user will be added in to the list…

(P.S- You should enable Show lists as json from the project setting, if not it will through an error…

try it…

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Thank you for your insight,

may i ask some question :

1.do i put the script like your suggestion with right method ? or if i put with wrong method, if you dont mind could give me the full script ?

2.what is funcion block named “both script are same” use for ? why not connected into the other block ?

3.and i want to confirm that get all detail script and save data to Gsheet script is taken from url script spreadsheet right ?

  1. and web url is from the url of spreadsheet right ?

sorry i am bad in english

  1. That text block is just for your info.
  2. Clear your existing gsheet scripts with given in the text file…
  3. For all kind of ghseet works i follow the guide advised by @TimAi2 only… All of his chest guide dos magic without any extension also with our convenient…

First test with the given aia and understand how did it function, then adjust it according to your needs. You need to put your script url and need to change the Gsheet ID and Name only

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Poin1. Thank for your information, poin 2. is already done … but still not work for me, am i do something wrong?

Nothing happened when i click the login button, and not directed into sign up menu

btw here is my spreadshet link

here is my new aia
LoginGSR.aia (165.5 KB)

Everything is pakka, but the fact is, you must add the heading in A,B and C as Name , email & password and try

Make sure you have changed the sheet ID and name of the sheet. I am not in system

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need help for correction here!

Your code is totally different than what I provide. No need to add anything extra with that code.

This alone is enough

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Sorry im still confuse…

Could you please give the sample of heading.

Change the name of the sheet id in the block ?

error appplication


In web1 url, i have used my gsheet url. In which the format is

https:// docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ 1ZHp51q_LljzPdN4gy_7SKCY5OQfykkYu-Kw5NXwQohY /edit?usp=drivesdk

The bold part is called as Sheet ID and the Sheet1 is called as sheet name and you know the script url. I just told to change the these two…

Click on the above url and see the eg for user name, email, password and try to login with the above credential and see How do the work goes.

No error on my apk android10

Login.apk (5.5 MB)


i try to use your APK, and try to login using list that you share… it is work

so i try to make my own database account for login, like this

put the some script just like your suggestion

change the link in the block related to my url sheet and script

i try to login with account that i made, but why not working :frowning:

can you share your aia?

or share me your script url and sheet

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