Lorem Ipsum Extension [FREE]

Hey Kodular community,

I’m excited to share with you a new extension I’ve created - the Lorem Ipsum Extension. This extension allows you to easily generate Lorem Ipsum text directly in your Kodular projects.


  • Generate Lorem Ipsum text with specified paragraph and sentence counts.
  • Easy to use and integrate into your Kodular projects.


  1. Initialize the extension in your project.
  2. Use the GenerateLoremIpsum function to create Lorem Ipsum text with the desired number of paragraphs and sentences.


This will generate Lorem Ipsum text with 3 paragraphs, each containing 5 sentences.

Extension Download:
com.rasitech.loremipsum.aix (6.3 KB)

Feel free to try it out and let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions for improvements. Happy coding!


In my opinion, many have free accounts and in this case there are 2 options (either sacrificing 1 of the 5 allowed extensions or a text) is at your discretion, but anyone would prefer to upload a “Loren Ipsum” in writing.

:+1: It is appreciated that you continue working on what you know and generating content.

Thank you