If we keep the Lottie animation inside any layout (example: A Vertical Arrangement) and then assign that layout as Custom dialogue, then the Lottie animation doesn’t appear when the custom dialogue is initiated/opened.
Steps to Reproduce the Issue:
Drag a vertical arrangement as layout and a button(button is dragged outside this VA)
Drag Lottie component in that layout and set its source to any lottie json file
Now in the block section create the custom dialogue under screen initialize event
Check what happens whenever the custom dialogue is triggered on the click of the button
Below attaching the AIA and APK file which reproduces the bug
Got the Lottie animation to work inside the custom dialogue.
It looks like the lottie animation needs the Start Animation block if we put it inside the Custom dialogue.
However the Start Animation block is not needed if we put the lottie component anywhere else like any screen directly or any layout(that layout shouldn’t be assigned as Custom dialogue). Don’t know why it functions in this way.
For the Label not showing part, it was just size of the lottie component. I decreased its size and the label showed up hahaha…silly me.
Edit (19/03/2020): I forgot to update the blocks here and today got a DM from a user who wanted to know where to exactly put the Start Animation block. So below are the blocks for the same.