Lottie make stop application

when i use for 5 json source alternately in one component lottie and then make my app hang and stop

use 1 source for 1 Lottie component so for each source use diffrent Lottie

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Oke i ll try

Still crash stop if use 3 or more source json

Nope I used more than three and it’s working fine can you show your blocks

ok, were you able to fix it? I have the same problem as you

Make lottie before version now or old version

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To the version of what? I could not tell you,

-if you mean the Bodymovin version, all the images are created in version 5.5.2

-if you mean the version of Lottie, I don’t know, the one that comes in kodular by default, and I recently added the block

-as for Kodular, Fenix 1.5.2

at first I thought it could be due to the difference in size in the images (lotties), but it was not that, now, after your answer, I have created 3 lotties, and the problem persists, I think it may be due to the loading of the files in the cache, but I’m not sure, did you manage to solve it?

ps: if I leave the lotties fixed, as if they were images, the app doesn’t close, but that’s not funny.

in body movin setting click old version

I’ve searched everywhere and I can’t find that, I imagine it must be in After Effects, and at the moment I don’t have that program.

These are the steps I follow:
-I create the animation in Canva, and download it in mp4
-then I convert it to Lottie (which is where I created it with version 5.5.2 of Bodymotion)
-I upload the json to Lottie Files to have it in the cloud
-I copy the link in Airtable
-and finally I access it from my app.

Can the version of Bodymotion be modified after creating the Lottie? or do you know where you can convert mp4 to Lottie in an older version of Bodymotion?


You must have Adobe affter effect

I have tried with a portable version of After Effects, and I have not been able to get it, so for now I will use an alternative method while waiting for the coding team to update the version of Lottie.

Thank you very much for your help @dewi