Make status bar icon dark

Hi, I want to make the status bar icons dark as i am using a white status bar. I searched the community for the solution and tried every ways in there. Already tried using timer. But it is not working. It is working fine when using in companion. but when export to apk, icons remains white. Anyone know the solution?

Have you tried using this extension?

What have you tried?

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I tried this. it is not working. Time interval is 250.

Try removing this block -

@Salman_Dev can help

still not working…

Try like this, first set statusbar.icon dark and then set bg color to white using hex values

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without clock?

Do you need the clock ?

App is not even running when i used that. It shows runtime error.Capture

Tested on companion, android 9, no error. Better ask the developer @Salman_Dev

the hex color of BackgroundColor should be #ffffff

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I have a solution for your issue.
Use the following blocks in Screen.Initialize block:

You can find this above block under the Screen blocks.
Hope it helps!

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It shows runtime error, because the hex color you put is incorrect
you should make it like this #FFFFFF (6 digits only)

And to use the extension is like this :


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I put it down exactly like this.
it still not working

Did you untick the timer fire and timer enabled form the designer mode?

yes, i did that

Hello @Seller_Newbie,

I recommend this extension more over the others. It works for a majority of Android™[1] and has what you’re looking for! I hope I could be of help.

1 Reflex only supports API 23 and higher.

Best regards,

Me | :purple_heart:

Thanks guys. it got fixed. had some problem with api. now it works fine

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Please explain the solution to the issue. What have you done to fix the issue?