Make Top Sheet in Kodular

Yes it will, we just have tk understand managing of height…

You must understand this first…

Do you guys need short video tutorial?

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Perhaps with some changes it is possible to invest the effect.
Bottom Sheet !!! :wink:

Yes it is possible you can make side sheet too…

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I think is you make a video and explain basic like what should be main arrangement and where the top Sheet, dimmer, etc should be there. Then it will be better for me and others to understand.

Wonderful, i don’t understand so much how this work for now. But if you can explain how to make a Botton, Side Sheet it would be very good.

So as many of the koder have problems… that’s why I will upload a video tutorials covering all the basics as well as main logic… but main problem of these days is of my online exam (college gone mad​:expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:) which will end on 25 june…

But don’t worry I will make simple video without too much editing and non animated…
I’ll provide it ASAP…


Good luck with your exam ( say to us how it you was ) !!! :+1:

We can’t say it’s exam…
Because it’s just formality by college so tha after lockdown parents can’t ask for refund of fees as there was nothing done by college during lockdown…

And in this exam we can cheat as well there is no action taken by college about this…


Don’t worry in my country (Argentina) the same happen.
It is necessary to be fortresses and continue forward. :muscle: :arrow_right: :footprints:


Last 3 post are #off-topic :joy:
and this too :smile: :rofl: :relaxed:

I will try to provide video by tonight…


Sorry everyone that I have still not given video tutorials… because of my exam…

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It’s fine, take your time to do it. We appreciate your dedication to help other users.

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thanks :heart: :heart:

video will be uploaded after my exam… it will be explanatory that’s why i’ll create new topic and provide here…

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