Making a sleep timer app [Help Needed]

try this aia… Finally i got your idea and tried… Tell me how is it… But i didnt work with UI, Tried to design out your idea through blocks…

No25_COUNTDOWN24HR.aia (7.6 KB)

blocks used:

Note: If it satisfy your needs mark solution there by others also can try to use this

Output in mobile:

1. When screen initialize

2. On pressing set timer button

(dafult value set it as Ohr 10min 10sec)

3. After pressing START

Update: Thank you @ToufikHasan for making me to learn. This is first time trying this design and i am satisfied with it


What about this? There’s already a component for that Time Picker - Kodular Docs


Thanks a lot… @Still-learning

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Nice that you are learning, but as mentioned before you should use a time picker. It will reduce your blocks. Currently, there are many unnecessary components/blocks that can be simply removed.

You are making the timer but don’t make it base time. Make it time the user does

User can input any values, just for demo I used default value as 10min 10sec @Ahmed_Mohammed


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