Maximum Number of Screens

How many pages/screens can I create for a single app so that I can complete the app without crashing it? I have created around 40 screens and need more to create . It seems the screen is vibrating .


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I dont creat more than 3 screens ever, haha …


Maximum 10 Screens Is Enough To Keep Away Your App From Crashing , If You Created More Than 10 Screens Then Your App Compulsory Will Crash

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How do you do it if you need to add more content?

Use The Layout Like A Screen

Depends of the app, it is recommended that you don’t use more then 10 but it is up to you

For a fun thing, I made an app with 150+ screens



I am a newbie and going to build my first app . i dont know how to use a layout like a screen .

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my app also needs approximately 150 screens :expressionless:

For you it’s bad idea to go this way as you said you were a newbie and I did this only for fun

You should describe more what your app is about then we can try to guide you



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