MaybeTalk, an app to meet new people

Hey! My name is Tomás, and I’m working on an application to randomly meet new people. It will be called MaybeTalk, and its main functionality is to pair two random people and create a chatroom between them so they can chat. What else functionality would you add to this application? Thank you! I’ll be posting updates and when the app MVP is ready, I will make another post with all the screenshots and the APK.

App name



MaybeTalk is an application meant to meet new people in a random manner. MaybeTalk 1st version has successfully implemented Firebase Authentication (E-Mail Sign In/Up), Firebase Realtime Database, and a user pairing system (using Firebase Realtime Database). It has a simple and clean UI with an amazing dark colors palette.


Sign In

Sign Up

Home (nickname selection)

Pairing screen (circle loading)


App Store/Download link:

coming soon

If you have any question or suggestion for this app, let me know. I would appreciate some feedback! :relieved:


Hello Koders, I need some volunteers to test MaybeTalk, DM me if you are interested on testing it (its free).

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