Media files do not play when I deleted Android / assets folder

Hello everyone,
I deleted the Appinventor/assets folder and now when I start Kodular companion it doesn’t play multimedia files. Previously, the files were also saved in the Appinventor assets folder. But now the folder does not generate itself and if I do it manually, the files do not go to AppInventor assets either. I didn’t know that folder was so important.

  • Already try reinstalling Kodular. Also install appinventor in case when creating the folder it worked as before everything. But nothing. Now I have to put the files manually if I want it to work.
    I use taifun player
  • Is there any solution?
  • Maybe the company should generate the folder again?
  • Could I put the smartphone the same as a previous day without removing all installed files and applications?

The folder is /storage/emulated/0/Makeroid/assets/

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see also here:

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I will look at it. Thank you very much @bodymindpower

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