MediaStyleNotification that also works on → Android ≥ 11

You don’t clear all the notifications, you clear the notification that is associated with the media notification.

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It was only an example from my blocks above.

Edit your example because they [the developer] have clearly not taken a look at all of the methods.

Still its not be closed -
blocks (42)

Just using as per your instructions.

  1. I am using buttons instead label of Previous and Next. what what should I add

There is a method to remove particular notification.

Correct, after showing the notification, it is added to the list. Why am I being gone against when I am correct? There’s an ID parameter for a reason, on both methods, for showing and removing the media notification.

Of course, but the users could find out something for themselves. It really shouldn’t be that difficult to cancel a special ID. :wink:

Usually this happens.

Yes, but it seems @Yash_Agarwal did not find it.

Didn’t even understand whats this -

There is a method to remove particular notification.

  1. What details should we add here?

  2. I am using buttons instead labels for Previous and Next. Now what should I do to make it working?


Why are you using buttons to compare? You should be using strings instead, the following image shows your options.

For example, if (actionType != “next”) and so on.

Because I for me the next and precious will be different -
One will restart and other will take it to the main menu where all audio are there
blocks (45) blocks (44)

@bodymindpower show the solution, you’re going to anyways. I can’t, I’m not anywhere where I can show a solution. I can only give examples in text.

@Yash_Agarwal the following explains the solution.

Switch skip_next with “next” as a string, and skip_previous with “previous” as a string.

Not demotivating or going against anyone, but tbh @Yash_Agarwal you need to learn some basics of AI2/Kodular.

Because using this extension shouldn’t be as difficult as you are struggling with it.


@Shreyash I’m missing this in the Kodular version:

Note: I got another Kodular version from you via PM in AI2 forum (which has this option).

@Shreyash Oh, I see that this was a special version (just for me) as the AI2 version on Github doesn’t have that option either.

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There is no need to disclose PMs publicly that may expose additional functionality not yet disclosed.

Apparently you have not yet realized that I initiated and sponsored this extension. There is no reason to interfere here and make superfluous comments.

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So please teach me, i am a student.
I love to learn :pray:

I removed it on purpose. I don’t think that parameter makes any sense given that no one would show the same notification over and over again. Also, alerting the user over and over again would just ruin the UX.

It’s not a special version, but rather a buggy version. There were several issues with the version I gave you for testing, consider switching to the version that is on GitHub as it is much more stable.

Please provide me solution for my problem @bodymindpowe