is it possible to integrate the menu button function (extension already made by @Andres_Cotes: https://community.thunkable.com/t/actionbar-extension/4985) in Makeroid?
We already have it. Check it in Screen blocks.
No, i mean the three lines button to open the sidebar (another component to add to Makeroid)
For example, this image from the web indicate the button
This should be added to the title bar, with sidebar component (extension made by @Andres_Cotes: https://community.thunkable.com/t/extension-sidebar-navigation-update-11-09-2017/5376)
He means icons and buttons in the titlebar. For example a search icon(button) and next that, the 3 dots.
And also I would like to see a customizable title bar. For example the ability to insert a textbox to the title bar. It would be awesome for my web browser app.
Not exactly, only the sidebar button
Oh, you mean the Navigation Drawer.
Yes, including the button to open it
I want the navigation drawer too. It would be great.
Button is required for the navigation bar to exit in normal conditions.
use andres cotes’s sidebar extension :http://community.appybuilder.com/t/extension-sidebar-navigation-update-04-08-2017/327
it would be great to see on makeroid @admins
Developers may want to use ActionBarDrawerToggle class.
Yep .
Will be possiple after our comeback.