Metodo "Pause" no componente sound recorder!

Eu estou criando um gravador de áudio com Material Design no Makeroid, mas eu vi que no componente “Sound Recorder” falta um comando que faça a gravação ser pausada até que o usuário queira retoma-la e assim a gravação continuar.

Vocês podem adicionar isso na próxima versão?

We can add such a option for the “Sound Recorder” component, but…
this was added by google on API 24 (Android 7.0).

So this means this will work only on devices with API 24 + (Android 7.0 +).

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First of all, you have translated the post wrong
@Soft_Darsh is speaking on Brazilian, and your reply is in Spanish
Then, what @Soft_Darsh means is that there’s a block missing for the Audio Recorder to pause the recording until the user wants. He has never said he doesn’t use Makeroid…

I was thinking about it :roll_eyes: if translated it does contain word (not makeroid)

O Gravador de voz do meu Gran Prime Duos tem essa função e ele está na versão 5.0.1 do android :confused: .

Eu estou usando Makeroid / Estoy usando Makeroid

:sunglasses: i got you

this was the problem

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In english please

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So i will be added?

Translated by Google Translate;

The voice recorder of my Grand Prime Duos has this function and it is in 5.0.1 version of Android :confused:

There you can see it:

I dont tell wrong things :smiley:
It is added on api 24

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Yes I can try to do it.

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A Samsung achou um método de embutir isso no seu aplicativo, mas tudo bem, eu vou retirar essa função do aplicativo :slight_smile:.

I dont understand you…
Please write in english

Samsung has found a way to embed this in your application, but okay, I’m going to remove this function from the application :slight_smile:

Samsung has found a way to embed this in your application, but okay, I’ll leave these application functions.

I added the pause function to the component.

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