Peoples, I just saw that in the 1.1.3 update I brought something I wanted, the function of creating a directory in the file component, I then ran to use it, after exporting the application and installing it in my mobile application to simply, I do not think the problem was in the file component because the error happens soon in the first screen, where I have not modified anything since I launched the last update, and from experience I know that one screen does not influence the other in question of errors, the error is only discovered when the screen with this error is opened.
here is my AIA: Text.aia (2,7 MB) to an incomplete function, just the function I’m testing in the application, which creates a directory for Backup.
Here are the only blocks I used after the update, yesterday I released the last version of the app that is working perfectly, so the problem came from yesterday to today.
Note: The application was imported from AppyBuilder but was working after the import.
Sorry, it was a translation error, what I wanted to say was:
PT-BR: Achei que a variável indicava o diretório criado.
But even with all this the application still stops, do not you think that if the problem were this, the app should display a runtime error instead of stopping?
Oh, and if I understand you ask to, first check if the folder was created and if it was created carry out the action, it’s like so?