MlKit Text Recognition - An extension to detect text from image

Text RecognitionExtension

This extension is based on the ML Kit Text Recognition API is can recognize text in any Latin-based character set. It can also be used to automate data-entry tasks such as processing credit cards, receipts, and business cards.

Blocks & Documentation :

1. DetectText


This method will help you to get text from your image. image Path is file path of your image. It will return your text in String . This method works offline too.

2. IsOperational


So, This extension will require some milliseconds of time to download the required model on the first installation of application. So, you should check if model is downloaded or not from this method. This extension is sponsered by @tappstoall on patreon.

3. Release

component_method (1)

To release text recognition.

4. Set Focus


To set the focus of text recognition. It accepts integer. Poor image focus can hurt text recognition accuracy, so this method can help you to increase focus. However, I didn’t found any documentation from android regarding this method.

Sample Video :

Price :

This extension costs 10$. If you become my patreon for anytime, you will get this extension for free.
D.M me or reply this topic to buy this extension.

Patreon :


Can you give an example on what this means? Maybe show some sample blocks how to use the extension.

This is from your patreon page
“is creating Extensions for AppInventor & its distro”

You should change that to
“is creating Extensions for App Inventor & its clones”


does this work offline?

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From Ml kit Docs >

Yes it will work offline, but will takes some time to download models


Nice extension @oseamiya

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no as per docs i think it has 2 ways offline or online i was asking which she used in extension :sweat:

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I tested it on my device and it seems to be working offline too :smiley:
Thanks @oseamiya for test apk


awesome extension:+1:


Thank you for reminding me . Now, I’ve added a video and also edited doc for focus.

Done :slight_smile:

Yeah, It should work. But, I guess, it take some milliseconds of time to download model when app install for the first time. It can be detected from this method.

Thankyou @Shreyaa :heart:


can this support all language like hindi ?if yes then give an example


hindi language r not in that

It can support Devangari(Hindi/Nepali), English, Korean, Mandarin, etc.


Hello. Can I buy this extension?

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Here is the free version just for you 🙂
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Happy April Fools Day :bouquet::sweat_smile::joy:


helo , how do i buy this extension

@oseamiya hello how to buy these extension?

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@oseamiya seems to be unavailable at the moment.
Here is an alternative

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