My name is Andrii. I want to start learning and in future using kodular for development, and I have a question about monetisation. Sorry if category is wrong.
I didn’t understand clearly in what cases kodular takes their %? Is it only from adds provided by editor or if it is a online shop with payment, or any else case?
Thank you for your answers. Yes, I understand about apps quality. But at this moment I beed to know a bit more about this editor and its limitations. I see that kodular provide develooer with much more functionality than others. And it is free. But I’d like to know more about monetisation. And I have some questions. For example:
If I won’t use any ads on my app - is it meen that kodular will not take any payment from my app. Even if it will be a online shop? Unfortunately I can’t find this info…
If I will sell my app in future, is it meen that only I can edit or add new features to this app for customer?