Hello great koders I am creating a News App and I have managed to do everything I wanted it to have eg. Admin Panel where I can upload image and write texts etc, I am using Airtable to save data and then I call the data to my app.
But the problem I have faced is that, I can’t manage to break the texts and get the new lines for the article which I upload into my Artable.
I have seen some topics that have solved this issue but to me none of the methods work eg. I have tried
and also I have tried \n but nothing works.
but these topics show that the abve methods work’.
Continuing the discussion from Text multiline problem in html format level:
Sorry it looks like this topic is closed but I am in the same trouble however trying to search for a solution I saw another related topic
[quote=“Sander, post:3, topic:6749, full:true”]
I will add an option for this in the next release
[/quote] List with Image and Text multiple line
I have tried all the methods but I haven’t solved it yet
see the images
This is what I get
I can’t get the lines
Please help me to know where am I wrong!