Multiple screens Tutorial (beginners)

Learn how to make a multiple screens app using MAKEROID or any other similar server
Working with multiple screens in app inventor is simple, that allows you to have an organized app. You can use a screen to welcome your user , a second screen for the main app and other screens for things like settings or end screen.
In this tutorial we use tinyDB to share data in screens.
I show you how to use procedures

Mas de Multiple Screens:,,


Hey !
Great tutorial !
Do you have shared it on Thunkable and AppyBuilder Community ?
It would be great :koala:

Have a nice day,
Send with RCMail App by RCApps, maked thanks to Makeroid
Envoyé avec l’appli RCMail par RCApps, créée grâce à Makeroid

I think that it is not necessary to use one screen as a welcome, one as a Main Screen and One for Settings.
It makes the App Size bigger.
I think you should try to use Vertical Arrangements instead of multiple screens.

You are right! But this is for beginners, later on I will talk about horizontal arrangements instead of new screens!

I will share it jeje Thanks!

Grant tutorial! :+1::smiley:

Como siempre jeje :sweat_smile:

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