My App is crashing

Kodular staff and moderator are here to solve issue .They are available according to their time.

did you check apk. pls check apk help me i m losing my users.

as I said, post the APK (and/or aia)

Whatsapp_Group.apk (8.2 MB)

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The user in this forum solved this issue by changing targetSdk version in android studio. I m using kodular , seems nothing works for me as kodular automatically set targetSdk version.
any other solution u have?

My app have lots of crash. I tried to resolve it but could not found solution ? I think handling exception may solve this issue. There is no blocks for exception. I am losing my users.


Java and Kodular are different but also similar in some cases.
There is a block named ’ when screen1.error occurred’ which handles and throws all errors.
Just use it to show and handle errors.

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Keep calm and keep testing your app until you eliminate bugs and till than you can announce and heavy maintenance break

Can u please tell me how to use This blocks for classNotFound Exception as my app crash report saying this exception.

please provide a screenshot of the error message
also a list of components and extensions you are using in the project might help…

Push Notification
admob Banner,interstial
facebook Banner,Notifier,circular progress bar,Activity Starter,Bottom Navigation,Spreadsheet ,clock,tinydb,web
MysqlDatabase and CustomList View by Deephost
,EasyDialogue and CollintreeList View.

you probably have the same issue as reported here

see the advice from @bodymindpower there

Go to the Developer Console on your PC, open ANR & Crashes and see the details.

what do you get?
do you also get crashes only in Android 9?


:point_up_2:this post is also mine. see the user. last post post :point_up_2 i did not got solution.

I saw reports again my app crash on android 5,6,7,8,9 now.

Large Number Of exception are ClassNotfound
A few number of Exception are IllegatArgumentException
And few errors :-OutOfMemoryError

So you are double posting. That is not allowed. I will merge your topics. Don’t do that again.

you were wasting my time
good luck with your project

Oh Sorry for that but I did that because I did not found any solution.
And no one was replying on old post.I will remember not to do it again.

But still I have not solution for this issue.

I bet it’s the one that’s causing it

we are facing the same issue…