My app not working after update to Fenix 1.5.4

after update to Fenix 1.5.4 my app is not working
First error:

runtime err

I have tried to disable blocks but another error happened:


I do not know what happened with Kodular in last two months, because I exported apk two months ago and everything went well, but now when I exported the app to my phone, It is not working. It shows blank page for short time and close the app.

Do you use DeepHost’s MySql extension by any change ?

I use it but without any changes

You have to update to latest version after Kodular’s latest release 1.5.4 otherwise the app will crash

Also update companion to latest version 1.5.4

I have 1.5.3 version on my phone and it is working, but on my tablet is version 1.5.4 and there are the above problems, but exported and installed apk not working on the phone and on the tablet

Did you update extension ? If yes what other extensions do you use ?

I use TaifunGoogleAccount

I updated MySQL extension and it is working now. Thanks very much for your help

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Told you :slight_smile: