My app was rejected

video_downloder.apk (7.9 MB)

I just received a notification that my app was rejected to monetize due to low quality content or policies. I uploaded the APK for you to test, can anyone give me some insight on how to solve this issue?

Unfortunately I can’t test your apk now. You can post the email screenshot here for better understanding.


This is a reason you mentioned yourself. What’s the confusion then?

Addition: Please note that, video downloader apps are not permitted on Google Play. Looking at your app name, Video_Downloader it’s obvious that you’re violating rule.

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I though they were allowed as there are a lot of this apps in Google Play

What your app offers?

Does this apply to other stores such Amazon? or is this just for Google Play?


It tells you in there what it applies to. Just read the whole thing.

It allows people to download videos from social media like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok

I asked because I don’t know how Amazon Appstore works, not because I didn’t read…

What are the sites you’re allowing videos to download?

Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, Instagram and Whatsaap, those are supported.

But there are many video downloader apps available on the Google Play. :thinking: :thinking:

Listen…I also submitted an app for approval and I got its approval…then I deleted same AIA after saving aia …after that I uploaded AIA again …then it shows submit for approval…but same app got rejected twice saying low content…so there is no rule to say what is happening here

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Got it! Seems like it depends on the person from the Kodular staff who checks your app

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