[Deep Host] Mysql-database extension problem Charset utf-8 RESOLVIDO

good afternoon, I’m using extension, mysql-database with kodula, but the query is showing this, even though I already put the command $ conn = new mysqli ($ DB_ADDRESS, $ DB_USER, $ DB_PASS, $ DB_NAME);
mysqli_set_charset ($ conn, “utf8mb4”); // connect
in mysql.php it still shows up, you need to do something in php.ini or apache.

I thank everyone

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ALTER DATABASE YourDataBase CHARSET = Latin1 COLLATE = latin1_swedish_ci;
UTF8 - utf8_general_ci.
Oh…Deep Host Extension ?
You need change charset and collation.
The collate utf8mb4 is utf8mb4_general_ci

ALTER DATABASE mkradius CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

I did it like that and even so it continues with the characters

Did you try with = ( equal sign ) ?

In PHP script…header(‘Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8’);
Open your script and save with encoding UTF-8 without BOM (NOTEPAD ou SUBLIME )

must be inserted in mysql.php

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Did you read the topic I showed above?
There it was resolved… :+1:

At the top of the script before any echo or print…

Do not forget to check Resolved in the possible answer that was the solution. :+1:

Solved? Can you post to community users?

Wait…what? Extension?
If you are talking about Deep Host’s extension then your topic is going to be closed soon as we don’t support his extensions.

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As mentioned above, we no longer allow questions about the use of extensions from Deephost since he neither help/support them…

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