Mysql language error

Btw, question about deephost’s extensions are not allowed.

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Try this block from web componet to encode your data (that you want to save in database)

this is used to encode and whgen you get data from database then use another block named ad Url decaoder to decode your data .
try this and let me know if its causing any problms

it also shows the same error…

am I insert the code in right place?

Insert right after creating a connection.
$dbc or $conn ?

Try alter your table or column :

ALTER Table YourTableName Modify YourColumnName FieldType(LenghtField) Character Set utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci

ALTER TABLE YourTableName Convert To Character SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci

And your Database :

ALTER Database YourDataBaseName Convert To CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci

And in the create table put at the end after closing the parenthesis ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8;

Are u using deephost extension ? Or any other

yes, but you are using the wrong varible name as @Rogerio_Rios already mentioned
you might want to read again my previous answer and follow the provided link…


I an using Taifun’s MySQL query.

ok fine… and what happens after fixing your variable name?

Hlw @Taifun, when I fix my variable name to conn then I can insert data or create a table but the problem is that my inserted data shows as some symbols. I can’t see the real inserted data. So now how can I solve this problem?


this is my php script mysqlkgnet (1).php - Google Drive

Did You try ?

I didn’t understand.

Run these commands on phpmyadmin. And change to the name of your database, table and Fields

There is an SQL tab, where you execute the commands entered. Like those I mentioned.

Thanks To @Taifun, @Rogerio_Rios, @Zia_Choudhary and all who helped me to solve this problem…
My language problem was fixed perfectly.
Love u all. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

great to hear
you might want to provide a short summary about the steps you did to solve the problem
this might help others with the same problem in future
thank you


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U r most welcome
And it will be very helpful for community if you provide the solution as @Taifun mentioned above

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’ enter your table name ’ ie you have to give either table is numeric or varchar