MyWeather (A ground breaking discovery πŸ˜‚)

A share AIA, because you did a great application that does not stutts, and I would like to see how it looks in the middle of

Hi @kammarsoft,

I deny your request to share the AIA as many scandals have taken place with people open sourcing their apps and others claiming it’s theirs. Sorry.

Ok. You’re welcome.

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It gives me an incorrect location :confused:

It gives me the border city, which is 10km from my current location


Location issue

With the latest issue that @kallysmashupuruguay has reported to me, (from my perspective) has been fixed.

Beta Testing

I will be inviting @kallysmashupuruguay to be in the beta program that MyWeather will have in the near future. Anyone else will have the ability to join, however I would like him to see if his location is displayed properly.

Next Rollout

After beta testing is completed for a total of 7 days after a release, it will be released to production if no issues are further found. If there are any issues to be fixed, the 3.0.0 production release can take even longer. Presently, I am not even near finalization. As I described in an earlier reply, this will take a while to complete as I’m renovating everything, from the bottom - up.


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How to download this app

Since you’re unable to login to the Kodular Store, you can’t download it. By the way staff, investigate it before saying anything.