Need a QrCode Scanner in Web Viewer (Bitcoin Web Wallet)

I have created an app with Kodular that contains all the important and useful websites for using Bitcoin.
Including, of course, an easy-to-use Bitcoin Lightning Wallet:
If you want to send something via it, you have to scan the recipient address and for this you need a QrCode scanner.
Kodular does provide a barcode scanner, but I have no idea how to make the QrCode scanner usable with the Web Viewer.
Can anyone help me with this?
I have attached the .aia file in case someone wants to help me directly, otherwise I am grateful for any helpful tips!
Thanks :slight_smile:
BitcoinApp.aia (343.9 KB)

do you want that recipient address obtained after scanning in a lable or in any component?

Unfortunately I don’t quite understand the question, I use Deepl to translate…

After scanning, the page calls this URL: so I tried that:

but unfortunately it didn’t work…

Unfortunately, this one doesn’t work either…
I can imagine that the problem is that the url which is called first is coinos io and therefore does not respond to coinos io/scan, but you only get to the scan url later when you use the website.

this is wrong method

either learn at here. the same methos can be achieved by evaluate js method or use this extension.

when the page loaded, look up for the url,
if the url is matches with scan address then add bar code scaner do scan

when the scan completed then againm use js method to set the scanned value in to the web viewer required place

I cannot test your web url since it takes to create account, so i am not sure how the web page will be designed after that for scan, after scan etc… but little bit i guess, but this wont allow you to scan…

The web URL is different each time, depending on the Bitcoin address that is scanned.

It is therefore not possible to specify a fixed URL in advance.

To register, you only need a username and password, no personal data, it’s very quick.

Unfortunately, the displayed blocks did not work…

probably they are at least similar so you could find out, if it is a QR code to scan and then open the barcode scanner?

you might want to provide 2 or 3 example urls
