Need Help in Importing com.squareup.http

Hello All

Actually I am new in extension development and currently learning java with android development :star_struck:

My Problem is that when i try to import

I got an error :-

error: package com.squareup.okhttp does not exist

can anybody please help me!! :heart:

Do you expect users to search for the information that is needed or are you willing to provide it. Where is the library coming from, what does it do, why do you need it, etc etc etc

Add a jar file.

See this

I would like to say two things:

1.#discuss category is not for posting extension related questions.You should only post questions related Kodular’s components in this category.

2.Are you sure that okhttp jar exists in your build path?If not then add it if you are using extension template or ai source.

P.S. even #extensions:extensions-ide category is not appropriate for these type of questions (which are not related to either Kodular nor Kodular IDE)