Need Help in testing animated buttons on different Mobiles

Hello Everyone

I am need everyone help in testing an APK to get its appearance in different devices the actual thing to test is an animated Button My main focus is Download Button as some time it’s progress bar dose not works well according to the (@Vaibhav)creator of this project l have made a small changes so I want to test it can everyone help me.

Here is the APK for testing

buttonAnimationCopy (12).apk (5.2 MB)

Note - please provide your

Device Name

Android version



of buttons after animation is complete my only concern is Download Button

Thank You All in advance for your help

It looks fine here.

Mi A3

Android 10

Ok so it is not working properly on Mi A3

Why ?
It looks ok to me.

What is the expected behaviour ?

It should look like this

And what’s the actual behaviour?

Actually it should behave like the video I shared the leanear progress bar position is changing in different devices compare my video and @themaayur’s video

Some more changes done please try again testing

Both the video seems to be same. Or I need :eyeglasses:

I think you should get :mag: in your video progress bar is slightly visible and in my it’s completely visible this is the difference

I am want that it should appear same on every device

Ok, that issue exist. Just observed it :face_with_monocle:

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I will keep changing the blocks till I get the results
Updated again

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Just looking for some support to test every changes
as I don’t have pc to test it on emulator’s

I can help on my device :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks @themaayur

This update is not working on realms c1 android 9.0

Are your values in percentage.

No its Notin percentage

Then keep it in percent. It will make design more responsive.