Need help showing airtable items in custom list

Have you created dynamic label in the desired position in dynamic procedure? If not the condition label won’t appear

How to create to show in bottom?

it means? Better try with floating view extension

? now only i need this why i need to start all from 0 i think is possible also to add this label on that dynamic extension.

can u help me i get this error once i want to load the list.

Expected a unique ID, got ‘1’.
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

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i get data from airtable

… but you create list with dynamic components

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pls see the procedure properly, there you have did may be the mistake.

what i did worng?

we cont guess anything with this image,

But the aia the one i shared to you have the procedure like this, so pls check this. If not share your modified aia

Or you may have did problem with dynamic label creation with Condition

better share your aia if possible, if not add this block


DO not take the whole page as screenshot, unable to see it properly. Instead take the required part alone just like what we are doing

let me try this

Working fine for me… as I said you did mistake somewhere

not sure where, can u add this label below name?
then can i get aia to see what i did wrong.

Something similar??

ya only if possible to align with name if not is ok

Sorry, i do not understand…