Need help showing airtable items in custom list

Good ty , also is possible if press on button to open another screen on that screen will show items data,

Also can u tell me how can i create this type of card also items in that card img,text etc.

Then in that screen too create the same dynamic component, and send these three global variable into next screen, and use proper block to show the same in that screen too

I believe as per your topic it was solved.

Yes this can be achieved very easily with the help of same dynamic component or custom list view by sumit extension

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Hello again , there is some issues , have u added the button that once press will open screen 2 with list items , the problem is that i want to show the list in screen 1 and once i press on button from the item list to open screen 2 with item img , name , price etc.

Do you mean like this??

customlistfromairtabledata(2).aia (50.2 KB)

almost only on screen 2 will not show data in list will get every item in component like image in image component , text into label etc.

like here for screen 2

In screen2 remove all blocks except get value procedure and use it properly in the required field(pre defined by you in designer part) You are having the value in your hand. Just proceed.

how to get?

See the AIA, I have gave the way how to get the clicked button values alone… see the block, when any button clicked. Just do copycat that blocks

got it now ty

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i want also to get 2 more data from airtable but after added in code will not work
Is get Condition

also get this Select list item: Attempt to get item number 1 of a list of length 0: ()

Screen 1 or screen 2. ??

In screen 1 mean, you need to create a separate global variable then must define blocks in such way how I did it for Name, thump and price. If you miss any one, you won’t get data.

You have started with one query , now it is going on. It will be happy to see if you mention all those at very first post itself.

added in screen 1 but problem is on dynamic card where need to add 1 more sublabel and dont know how can i add that

just fixed will work now only issue is how can i add and extra sublabel to show the condition , i want them below name if possible .

Have you created dynamic label in the desired position in dynamic procedure? If not the condition label won’t appear

How to create to show in bottom?

it means? Better try with floating view extension

? now only i need this why i need to start all from 0 i think is possible also to add this label on that dynamic extension.