Need help to make an instant from mySQL timestamp

Hi, I need to know the time lapsed from “now” to a past date stored in a mySQL table than arrives in the form of the variable “instant” as text in the following format: 2020-01-19 20:37:50
The Make Instant block I am using says it requires date to be submited in the format: MM/dd/YYYY hh:mm:ss

The coding I am trying and is not working is as below:

Help welcome.

This works (output in decimal days) - you will have to use modulo and remainder maths blocks to split it out into weeks,days,hours,minutes,seconds

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Tim, thanks for the suggestion, with a few adjustments it solved the problem as all I need is the difference in minutes.

Hi @pctb2007
It is good that you got it working.
Now it is time to give credit to original answer and solver

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You can also make the blocks into a result procedure with an input of the initial time to be parsed …