Need Help to monetize app in Kodular

I show many times that when I apply for monetization in Kodular, I show pending Instruction like this Submitted for review 1 day, 5 hours ago
But in one of my app, I got another instruction which i never shown before. Please tell me what is it?
SC given below.

It usually takes 48 hours,can take more on some cases.

You don’t need Kodular Approval if your app get downloaded from Play Store

I believe you can only have 1 app under review at a time. That’s what the message seems to mean ‘You already have an app under review’.

If you describe your app properly then your app can approve in 5-10 days

Note: (1) Do not create any earning app
(2) If you are going to publish your app on
playstore then you do not need ads

My app is already published on Play Store but still ads not show.