Need help with bottom navigation when backpressed

The blocks are working just fine. However, what I wanted for it to behave is when I press back button while Im on bottom navigation Inbox for example, it will go back to bottom navigation Home, and when I press back button again, it will minimize the app.

What is currently happening is, when I press back button while Im on bottom navigation Inbox, it will go back to bottom navigation Home, and when I press back button again, it will go back to Inbox, and the loop is on and on.

try like this

I’m afraid it still behaves the same :frowning:

can you send AIA here or DM, will rectify and send back

I’m not sure if it is easy to tell what’s going on by just looking at this part of the blocks but, the thing is “=” equals block will check if both of the inputs are the same value, so if both inputs are “false”, the result will be “true” even if inputs are not true, so you might be looking for “and” block instead, which checks if both of inputs are “true”.

Nesting the “if else” blocks will be logically the same as with the one if block with multiple “else if” inputs.

Bottom Navigation.Visible returns what?