Need help with Tab Layout

Hello everyone,

I am creating my own app for the first time and have discovered Kodular.

At the moment the app is already doing what I had in mind.

It should do nothing more than display web pages that you can swipe between.

Unfortunately, there are so many tabs that the text at the top is no longer displayed completely (See Screenshot) and that is my current problem.

I know that I can solve the problem with a tab layout, but unfortunately I have no idea exactly which blocks I have to use so that the tab layout works with my view pagers without any problems…

Can someone help me to implement a solution so that only 2 or 3 tabs are displayed at the top so that they are fully readable and they switch at the same time as the web viewer is swiped?

It’s only a seemingly small problem, but as a newbie I’m a bit overwhelmed, I’ve already tried a lot…

I am grateful for any help, thank you :slight_smile: #help #tablayoutstrong text

i think it is hard to display full text if there are more layout. Else you may use some logical code to shiw or hide tabs there by at a time only three tabs can be allow to visible and set others to hide. If the tab is not 1 and kot last then make visible current tab also +1&-1 visible else if it is 1 then visible 1,2,3 else if it is last visible last, last twos

Else try this free extension

Credit to @zainulhassan

My problem was easy to solve. I just had to switch the tabs mode from scrollable to fixed… but thanks :sweat_smile:

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