Need help with video player

I am trying to show custom buttons like Next, pause, previous, slider bar on Video Player using relative view extension.
Since there is no click event in Video Player, I have put video player into Card View and trying to call the above buttons whenever card is clicked.
But the problem is the video is not visible when video player is loaded and it pops up only when the card is clicked.
Please help in this regard. I have attached related blocks and results.

You Have put both Videoplayer & Buttons on the same layout called “Main”.
and you set when card view is clicked, Main.visible to true

You can try putting the Buttons on a different layout & an animation overlay or something put on top of video player

I hope you understood the issue… I want to show controls for 2 seconds just like we see on YouTube when we touch the YouTube player screen.

Yes I. understood what your Trying to make but you are doing it Wrong. U are adding video to Main Layout & Commanding the main layout to only be visible During if the card is clicked. It’s just doing what it is being said to do

Remove this Block and Place the Main Layout In Cardbview and add video player in mainayoit using designer page. when Card viiew is Clicked, Set button container. visible to true & Relative Slider.visible to true

Thanks, it worked.

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Even though your problem is solved, you can try this, and you don’t need an extension, create a container with the buttons below the player container and use decoration margin to overlay the one with the buttons.
I use it to show buttons and text bubbles on the videos

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Will definitely try tomorrow… But I am again having problem with the current setup
The overlapped buttons and sliders are not responsive. All the settings and blocks look correct still buttons are not responding.

It worked with your mentioned method but the buttons are not responsive. And when I put Button container out of Card View, all the buttons work. What can be the problem?

Never mind… I have solved the issue.

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