Need little help on about notification component

I am using notification component to give notification after getting up new data… it’s work properly for data uplaoder only. e.g.I upload data after uploaded data I am getting notification but the notification is not getting to my app user.

Where is my mistake… And how to send notification to all my app user.

you have to configure onesignal and then use there extension to send notification to all users

watch this video and follow, also need to configure onesignal

Is onesignal is the only way to sent notification to everyone.

Bro, I want to know is that can I sent onesignal notification from airtable.

yes you must need firebase and then onesignal , because firebase is the only way to send notification to all users or any specific user,

you need an extension which allow you to send notification from your app check my blocks …

Bro,I am using airtable, if I change my data base to firebase… I have to start my app from the beginning…

here is extension,

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no you can use any database, but for configuration of onesignal you need to authenticate your app with fire base,
, you can use airtable or any else

follow this video

Thanks bro, I will try it… I confusion is in configuration… Bro, is it require to upload app to playstore to get the app id…

no, you can get that without uploading, you can make your own app package name

you can inbox me anytime i will help you to sort out all confusion

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Bro, my confusion is that about fibase server key, … eg. I put different app name in between onesignal and firebase, can I used figure server key that have different name in my fibase.

what ever key you give to onesignal that send notification to that firebase project, name dosnt matter, all matters is key and id

Ok my confusion is clear now. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you very much. I will try it now…

welcome bro…

Bro, I want to know what api key should be keep in onesignal aix