Need some advice on Extension Developing

Hi guys, I am very new to Java (I believe it is used to make extensions). I have tried some app for learning, but never tested. I don’t even know things like cIasses void static…? If anyone can provide some tips like where to learn effectively, or any recommended tools, I will appreciate that :hugs:

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You can learn java and many other language from Solo Learn App


That’s the app I’ve been using for two days only :sweat_smile:Anyways thanks!

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Hello @WatermelonIce,
I think that these are the steps that helped me learning extension developing ( I’m still learning :grin: )
:one: you should have your computer configured for extension developing:
This guide is very useful:
and this:

If you want to skip this step just use ( less possibilities )
:two: you should learn some java basics.If you searched google you will find loads of tutorials.
java tutorials - Google Search
:three: you also need to learn and try samples of app inventor extensions.You can see this guide ( gradient extension ):
Writing your first App Inventor 2 and Kodular extension | Medium
and this guide ( simple maths extension ):
Create Extensions - Kodular Docs
:four: You can also learn from otger open source extensions to get more fammilier with Extension development, examples:
App Inventor Extensions: Clipboard Manager | Pura Vida Apps
App Inventor Extensions: Take Screenshot | Pura Vida Apps
GitHub - ysfchn/DynamicComponents-AI2: An App Inventor extension to add full support for creating any type of component at runtime, in your app.
and much more…
:five: If you have a problem while making an extension search about it, if you’ve not found anythimg usefull so you could ask in some communities like StackOverFlow , App Inventor community , you might want to read the extension document to as well:
App Inventor Extensions


Wow! Thx for all the info! Definately try them :hugs::+1::+1:

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You’re welcome :grin:

Hi @Mohamed_Tamer, I have some doubt about extension and I want to talk to you in private :smiley: Because you don’t accept PM now.


Thanks, check you PMs :grin:

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