Nice design. How to make this app

This is how I like this app. Please help me create on same design app
how to make this app

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do you mean how to make this app

This is of course a very enhanced UI Design. Looking great. As you seem to be a beginner you should start with a less advanced Design. Get family with the builder and his functions, search and read a lot within the community. Try to do something yourself. If you got stuck at some point you can ask here for help. But you shouldn’t exspect that someone here makes it for you.

Yes make this app

im just a simple :kodular:oder…

and you typed (hot to make this app) you must replace hot to how

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

What have you tried?

No but try again later

Then I recommend you to spend your time on trying.

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Ok thanks mam

Just idea for ui design

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

There are more spam posts by just two users in this topic than useful ones.


I think you are new here, if you need urgently then you should hire someone else learn & try

Maybe this extension can help you…