No internet component going wrong

My complete blocks




close the current screen before opening the other screen.

And I am sure After doing this your problem will be solved.

Its also not works

show your blocks

T1 T2

Have you closing the current screen before opening the other screen, in every screens ?

Block not settings20200221_190551

just do like this.

Its also not works

I am sure that you are not able to set blocks well, if you do not mind then give aia, I will solve the problem.

Nointernet.aia (40.7 KB)

Nointernet.aia (40.7 KB)
check it.

You didn’t changed anything and provided my aia to me why is this fun?

mainnointernrt.aia (41.2 KB)

sorry,In a hurry, I gave you the same aia. :smile:

You tried or not this is also not working


I use the TinyWebDB component to check the internet conditions. And this is more convincing in my opinion @santoshkumarbadiger6

@santoshkumarbadiger6 Check if the below aia works for you or not.

NointernetCheck.aia (41.1 KB)

Note: I have not used the Activity starter component(present already) but have kept the same as is. You can remove that if you want or use it in some other task. Also I have made some changes to solve your problem which you will see once you import the aia, If you want you can remove them otherwise I think the problem is solved :+1:

This works perfectly for me
Thank you for help.

I want another help from you please help