hello team @Kodular why We not get any update from last one month
i know you all have your own work , own life but one month is very long time.
and many koders incuding me waitng for new update with fixing some bugs and want some new fetures.
please provide new update as soon as possible.
my issue is
This Activity not work with activity starter when i use custom package name
its not mean that its wrong activity i use it with default package name and companion also its work fine with them but not work with custom package name
There you go. They have a life outside of Kodular. Hard to imagine but it is true. There are even things more important then Kodular. Also hard to imagine but also true.
so the costum package name does not work in screen 1 or what?
Thats good to know because i bought me a extension where the package name is locked in that extension.
And i gave him my costu package name.
What will happen if i use the sostum package name now?
Um… I’ve never actually seen a piece of software that needs monthly updates. Having no updates is a sign of stability. There aren’t any critical bugs, and all necessary features are already implemented.
did you worte the devveloper that you will hae a costum ppackage name. I bought mme grid view and i had wrote himm 2 package names, the noral and my wanted costum name. Now both shouzld work
Um… I’ve never actually seen a piece of software that needs monthly updates. Having no updates is a sign of stability. There aren’t any critical bugs, and all necessary features are already implemented
Thats not right 100% wer have some troubles with firebase auth, and it was told tthat the next updates will solve the problems
Yes, it will solve the problems. But there is no date.
You don’t want to get a version of something which is experimental, right? If they publish the new version early, then it will have problems. And waiting for stable is better.
i agree that we have not any critical problem but its not mean we don’t have bug we have many bug we need to found it
when we do something found some bugs
yeah one error is that, if you use firebase auth and you use google sign in, a problem is there if you signed out and you want to sign in again you cannot choose a other google account.
Only at the first time if you use google sign in , you can choose which google aacount you want to use, at the second sign in the component take automatic the ggole acccount from the first time. If you want to choose a othern account you have to delete all files (delete and setup again) or you delete the cache and all all other files. Than you can choose aother ggole account for your sign in.
This is one error in firebase that i know.
Than you have to take a complicated way to make you database safe. if you change the rules to auth for read and write in the database you have to take a lot of blocks for that, that you can write in the database.And you need a second extension for it.
i hope theese two error are fixed for the next update.
I hope i could help you with that infos (if you dont know that errors)(
Even Windows have bugs but they don’t lauch new updates every month. They have to analyze everything, test too much and many times and it will take usualy a huge amount of time. But if you use Windows, you continue using it even with errors. If you use Linux you continue to use it, even with bugs… Or is there a software 100% perfect? So, don’t request something that even YOU cannot maintain your apps 100% bugs free.