Notification icon showing number of notifications like Facebook

Can we create a notification segment/button etc in our app that shows number of notifications just like facebook
For example if i uploaded two new news updates in my news app then the notification button shows 2 on its side as fb dose
For more clearance chek the screenshot

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If yes then show me the best way

on app icon from outside, you can show , but in app you have to create that by your self, just take a horizontal arrangement , resize it or 30 x 30 px, set background to that bell image, put a label in this arrangement, arrangement alignment set to top, right , set label size to like 10 font size, like i did this in my app,


Thank u bro… Nice work… App ka play store link snd kr skty hn?

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welcome, sending in pm,

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English please.

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he is asking for play store link of my app,

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Ok bro…

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