Notifier prograss dialog cannot showing

Today, In my app i use notifier prograss dialog for loading. When app open the dialog show properly and second time I call notifier to show prograss dialog but there was no response from app/notifier. I think thisor is a small bug @Kodular staff look at this.

It won’t be a bug. Show us the blocks associate with that

This is simple when i click on tab after this I set to show prograss dialog but dialog cannot show .And I dismissed it at after add element to list process complete.

Your if statement might have not met the conditions to trigger the dialog… Test your app and check your variables to find the problem

I tested but not work

Make sure to check your variables using the companion app. When using it, right click on the variable you want to check and choose ‘do it’. it will print out the current value of the variable

I tested as apk file not in copanion. All the other blocks work properly but prograss dialog not working.

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